
SpiceBuddies are looking for new recruits!

As promised, here is the post for those who are interested in joining the SpiceBuddies this year at SpiceWorld 2019! The form has our expectations for new buddies, so make sure to read that and fully understand before applying. This is a volunteer program that is run by Speadheads for Spiceheads, to make the experience of SpiceWorld more enjoyable and fruitfull for newbies.

You don't need to be an extrovert to be a buddy, quite a few of us are introverts. We focus more on 1:1 interactions, or as a small group. We're here to help anyone and everyone at SpiceWorld and to get those going for the first time to feel comfortable and engaged.

If you are selected as a buddy, be ready to spend some time at the SpiceBuddy booth. In our user group, we have a spreadsheet of times in 1 hour slots that we want at least two buddies signed up for. Make...

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