
I challenge you to submit a talk for next year!

This is something I recommend to anyone I talk to at SpiceWorld, and even have brought up in my own talks. And for those who don't know me, every SpiceWorld I've been to (5 times now), I've been a presenter. Either with my own session, or on a panel. This was something that was also brought up at the SpiceBuddies Boot Camp sessions too!


Obviously the first question any asks is why they should present. The biggest reason is that you know something many of us don't know. Everyone has moved through their careers with difference experiences, and even when those are similar, we were raised differently. That gives us unique perspectives. Even if there is another session of a similar topic, it'll be covered in a different way. For an example,Jared Busch andCyali had different sessions, but there was overlap in certain points, but covering...

from SpiceWorld

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