
Can't find your SpiceWorld `21 registration confirmation?

Hi SpiceHeads!

We're so excited to kick off SpiceWorld with all of you today! We've heard from many of you that you're having trouble locating your SpiceWorld registration confirmation email. In most cases, the confirmation landed in your spam folder. Follow the steps below to help keep SpiceWorld communications from going to spam.

1. Go to your spam folder

2. Search for the email:

Subject: "Registration Confirmation - SpiceWorld Virtual 2021!"

From: “The SpiceWorld Team”

3. Once you find it, right-click on it and mark it as “Not spam”, and that should do the trick.

Note: We’ll be sending your confirmation again today at 6am CDT, and yet another confirmation email right before the event begins at 7:50am CDT.If you have trouble accessing your confirmation information during the event, please email

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from SpiceWorld

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