
That’s a wrap! What did you think of SpiceWorld 2023?

In the days since leaving Austin, I’ve thought about our shared experience at SpiceWorld many many times… mostly paired with the phrase “I don’t think I’ll ever not be tired again…” My thinking is also paired with a tremendous feeling of optimism about the path we at Spiceworks are on for this business and this brand. As we closed the event on Thursday, a thought that had been rattling around crystallized for me: I can firmly represent how important transparency is to all of us, both our staff members and our community stakeholders, as we embark on a growth strategy for our business and brand. Thank you all for your help ensuring that message sticks!

The team here asked me to post a bit of a recap of the event from my POV. Since I could not narrow it down, I’ve decided to borrow a format from David Letterman to share my thoughts....

from SpiceWorld

manchester spice corps