
SpiceWorld Agenda Deep Dive

SpiceWorld is coming up in just over a month, and at least for me, the agenda is a little hard to parse, trying to figure out what to attend, so I thought I would break it down a bit here based on different themes or interests, so if you are trying to decide what to attend, or if you are trying to talk your boss into letting you go, you can have a little more ammunition.

[Note: All times are Central (Austin, Texas) time. Also, I haven't overlapped any sessions or timeslots within a category, but some of the sessions do fit in more than one theme, so be aware of that when you are browsing the options.]


Theme: Future of Tech

  • September 610:30 AM -- Anarchy over agility: The Rehabilitation of Leadership
  • September 61:00 PM -- The Future of Hardware and Software: Trends and Predictions
  • September 63:00 PM -- State of IT
  • September 7...

from SpiceWorld

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