
The 2023 SpiceBuddy Coins are out!

Hello everyone! I bring some good news for those who are into collectables and momentos for 2023 SpiceWorld! For those who have received coins in the past, you know what to expect! For those who are new, these are solid commorate coins that the SpiceBuddies have been providing for the last few years! These coins are priced to cover costs of manufacturing to keep the cost as low as possible for all of you!

A bit on the design, you'll notice that good ol' Spiceduck is looking a bit different this year. All I can say for that is you'll have to be in Austin to find out why! If you're interested in a coin, now is the time to get them! I am open to requesting another batch of coins to make once these are sold out, but I'll need to know everyone who is interested to gauge interst.

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If you're still interested in getting your own coin, you can...

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