
SW2017 Constructive Cricitism Thread

Now that most of us are back in the office, hopefully rested, sorting through our conference materials and starting to get emails from vendors following up...

What do you wish would change for next year?

We've had several celebratory threads, and I see some recommendations popping up there. Let's keep those positive, and provide some constructive and collaborative thoughts and opinions here. Don't just complain - just as you should when approaching management, suggest a solution to the issue or problem you experienced!

If I didn't think so much of Spice Works and the tremendous effort that went into SpiceWorld I wouldn't even bother investing time to suggest ways to improve the experience. I appreciate it, so I'd love to see it get even better!

So I'll start:

Crowdsourced Presentations

I was a bit disappointed that 2 sessions I attended were...

from SpiceWorld

manchester spice corps