
Everyone is a customer - Wed AM Session 2018 Spiceworld

Uploading the "Everyone is a customer" session I presented on Wed @ 9:30am .... fun times! Session is actually about 35mins worth of speaking and left as an open discussion afterwards so that you could get all sides from L1 techs to CIOs (I have had that range of attendees at the sessions) along with their opinions which helps. I modified it at the last minute as I had some changes, but the uploaded one on here is the final one I presented that day.

I have had many years of both customer service and then working in IT as well, and meshed both together to try and provide both the best technical AND customer service to make the end user experience as good as possible and also empower the end users too. This means that not only do they learn some ways to make their jobs easier, but also makes IT's life easier by meaning the end users don't...

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