
An Ode to SpiceWorld 2023 OR I Left My Heart and Half My Body Weight in Austin

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Hi, y'all - Chad here. Where do I even begin? I mean, other than sharing that gif ofJeff Grettler (Spiceworks) every single chance I get, from now on, forever. I know you've seen some wrap-ups, etc already.. Chris wrote a great one, and so did Megan. EvenPassRusher got in on the action! Kelly asked about your swag, too - but I'm just here to reminisce.

This was my first SpiceWorld as a non-vendor, and the first one where I really "participated" in the festivities of the week.I ate some amazing food (plus-one for Fareground, y'all!!), saw some fun live music (sigh, yes you made me a Spazmatics fan, you lunatics!), and even remembered to do some work at a conference! Look, I have proof:

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See? Working my sweaty, white assets off, right there! Seriously though -why does anyone live in Austin in the summer?? I don't think I stopped sweating...

from SpiceWorld

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