
Follow on from where are you post

Thanks to everyone who took part - now comes the funky magic wand waving bit :)

as this is supposed to be a 'local' group :) i disregarded the responses from out side the country and those some distance away, the below photo is what was left.

It would seem that the nearest town that could offer good links and a shot at a decent venue for us all would be Bolton.

So my next question is - Is everyone okay with Bolton as a central spot for us all?

If so - does anyone have any contacts in Bolton or know of any venues we could use

Once the above is sorted we will move onto dates and times - seeing there are a few of us it's not beyond the realms of work-ability to do 2 meets on same day. One during the day and one in the evening for different people and their availability.

from SpiceCorps of Manchester

manchester spice corps