
First Time Attending SpiceWorld? You're Not Alone!

Did you know that 30% of the SpiceHeads that go to SpiceWorld are doing so for the first time? I sure didn't, because I'm making that statistic up! But it is true that we have many who are attending this amazing conference for the first time! And we SpiceBuddies are here to help you get the most out of your experience!
The reason the SpiceBuddy program exists is because SpiceWorld can be overwhelming for those attending for the first time. I speak from experience that without knowing someone who's been before, I would have felt in over my head. I've been to quite a few other conferences, but SpiceWorld is the biggest one I've ever been to. There are also a bunch of activities going on around the conference as well. It's a ton to keep track of!
How do you, as a first timer, feel more comfortable in a conference of several hundred...

from SpiceWorld https://ift.tt/2pkY3Ba

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